
Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib

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The tutorial

The Python scientific visualization landscape is huge. It is composed of a myriad of tools, ranging from the most versatile and widely used down to the more specialised and confidential. Some of these tools are community based while others are developed by companies. Some are made specifically for the web, others are for the desktop only, some deal with 3D and large data, while others target flawless 2D rendering.

In this landscape, Matplotlib has a very special place. It is a versatile and powerful library that allows you to design very high quality figures, suitable for scientific publishing. It also offers a simple and intuitive interface as well as an object oriented architecture that allows you to tweak anything within a figure. It can alsp be used as a regular graphic library in order to design non‐scientific figures.

During this workshop, Nicolas P. Rougier who is a matplotlib expert and author of Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib will explain the basics of matplotlib and how to quickly become independent to design any figure.


  • Python (moderate knowledge)
  • Numpy library (moderate knowledge)

Students needs to come with a working Python3 with numpy/scipy/matplotlib installed.

Jupyter notebooks are optional.


Nicolas’ Slides

TP Sources on GitHub

Date October, 27 2023
Place INRIA Nancy