


The vāc project aims at making available necessary technologies and tools capable of creating a voice interface. These tools are targeted towards all kinds of developers, including the ones that are not specialized in voice / speech recognition or natural languages processing.

Vāc should provide some kind of pipeline or library easy to use for any developer, e.g.

import vac

pipeline = vac.create(config_file)
pipeline.load_resources(models, ...)

result = pipeline.process(audio_chunk)

📓 One of the main requirements and constraints of the project is to keep users’ privacy as main objective, thus keeping all calculation local on the device running the final application, whatever the platform is a mobile (android/iOS) or a PC (linux/windows/macOS).

This sprint’s main goal is to set all building stones for the vāc project, and create a first working pipeline that will be later extended in the Multispeech team.


Product owner theo.biasutto-lervat@inria.fr
Scrum master frederic.beck@inria.fr
first meeting 2023/01/11
first meeting with team 2023/02/07
sprint dates 2023/03/13 - 2023/03/24


person skills / works Position
frederic.beck@inria.fr Python, infrastructure SED
theo.biasutto-lervat@inria.fr Speech/Voice, IA/ONNX, C++/Kotlin/Python SED
olivier.rochel@inria.fr C++, GStreamer SED
olivier.demengeon@inria.fr C++, GStreamer SED
alain.filbois@inria.fr C++ SED
sewade-olaolu.ogun@inria.fr Speech/Voice, C++/Python PhD Multispeech
prerak.srivastava@inria.fr Speech/Voice, C++/Python PhD Multispeech


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