JavaScript / TypeScript

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--- primary_color: steelblue --- ## Introduction Which of the following accurately describes the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript? - [ ] JavaScript is used for server-side programming, while TypeScript is used for client-side programming - [ ] JavaScript is a script language derived from Java, while Typescript is derived from C# - [ ] Typescript had been created with programming security in mind, especially type-related errors - [x] JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, while TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript ## Development What does the term "hoisting" refer to in JavaScript? - [ ] The process of automatically converting TypeScript code to JavaScript - [x] The mechanism by which JavaScript variables and function declarations are moved to the top of their respective scopes during the compilation phase - [ ] It's an option for the compilation phase that unlocks the optimizations - [ ] The practice of moving up a function into its enclosing scope during compilation phase ## Development What does the "typeof" operator in JavaScript do? - [ ] It checks whether a variable or expression is of the "object" type - [x] It returns the data type of a given variable or expression - [ ] It compares the values of two variables or expressions for equality - [ ] It converts a value to a boolean data type ## Development Which in the following statements describe the most accurately TypeScript interfaces ? - [ ] It's used for purely documentation purposes and have no impact on the code that is run - [ ] It's a runtime construct that is used to create objects - [ ] It's a set of conventions that enables inter-process communications through the API specified by the interface - [x] It's a synctatical contract that help to define the shape of objects, classes or function types ## Development Which TypeScript keyword is used to declare a variable with a specific type? - [ ] let - [ ] const - [ ] var - [x] type ## Code : types management What is the output of the following TypeScript code ? ```typescript const num: number = 5; console.log(num.toString()); ``` - [ ] `5` - [x] `"5"` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `undefined` ## Code : arrays What is the output of the following Javascript code ? ```javascript [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].map( v => { v + 1 } ) ``` - [ ] `SyntaxError` - [ ] `[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]` - [ ] `[ ]` - [x] `[ undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined ]` ## Code : arrays What is the output of the following Javascript code ? ```javascript [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].filter(v => v%2 === 0) ``` - [ ] `SyntaxError` - [ ] `[ undefined, undefined, undefined ]` - [ ] `[ ]` - [x] `[ 2, 4, 6 ]` ## Code : Js equality test tricks Which of the following propositions are true ? > More than 1 good answers - [x] '1' == true - [x] '' == false - [x] '1' == 1 - [ ] '1' === 1 ## Code : Js equality test tricks Which of the following propositions are true ? Note: all "0" are the *zero* digit > More than 1 good answers - [x] 0 == "0" - [x] 0 == [] - [ ] "0" == [] - [x] 0 == false ## Code : Js equality test tricks What is the output of the following code ? ```javascript let result = null == undefined ``` - [x] `true` - [ ] `false` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `undefined` ## Code : Ts typing tricks What is the output of the following typescript code ? ```javascript let result = 2 + 2 + '5' ``` - [x] `"45"` - [ ] `9` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `undefined` ## Code : Ts typing tricks What is the output of the following typescript code ? ```typescript let arr: Array = [10, 20, 30]; console.log(arr + 40); ``` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `undefined` - [ ] `[ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]` - [x] `"10,20,3040"` ## Code : Ts typing tricks What is the output of the following typescript code ? ```typescript const name: string = "John"; console.log('Hello, ${name}!'); ``` - [ ] `"Hello, John!"` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `"Hello, undefined!"` - [x] `"Hello, ${name}!"` ## Code : Ts typing tricks What is the output of the following typescript code ? ```typescript let num1: any = "5"; let num2: number = 10; let result: number = num1 + num2; ``` - [ ] `15` - [ ] `NaN` - [x] `"510"` - [ ] `Error` ## Code : Promises What is the output of the following javascript code ? ```javascript function fetchData() { return new Promise((r) => { r('DATA')}) }; console.log(fetchData()); ``` - [x] `Promise {}` - [ ] `Promise {: "DATA"}` - [ ] `Error` - [ ] `"DATA"` ## Code : Promises What is the output of the following snippet of code ? ```javascript function fetchData() { return new Promise((r) => { setTimeout(() => { r('DATA'); }, 1000); }); } const result = fetchData(); console.log(result); result.then((data) => { console.log(data); }); (async function f() { console.log('SLEEP 1'); const result = await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r('SLEEP 2'), 2000)); console.log(result); })(); console.log('FINISHED'); ``` - [x] ``` Promise { } SLEEP 1 FINISHED DATA SLEEP 2 ``` - [ ] ``` DATA Promise { : "DATA" } SLEEP 1 SLEEP 2 FINISHED ``` - [ ] ``` Promise { } DATA SLEEP 1 Promise { : SLEEP 2 } FINISHED ``` - [ ] ``` Promise { } Promise { : "DATA" } SLEEP 1 Promise { : "SLEEP 2" } FINISHED ``` ## Code : function call Which of the following code snippets will return `A` ? > More than 1 good answer - [ ] ```javascript const f = () => { return 'A' }; console.log(f);``` - [x] ```javascript const a = (function f() { return 'A' })(); console.log(a);``` - [x] ```javascript console.log( ( () => 'A' )());``` - [x] ```javascript const a = function f() { return Promise.resolve('A') }; console.log(a());``` ## Code : JS classes and `this` keyword What is the output of the following code snippet ? ```javascript function Person(name) { = name; } Person.prototype.greet = function() { console.log(`Hello, ${}!`); }; const john = new Person('John'); const greet = john.greet; greet(); ``` - [ ] `"TypeError: greet is not a function"` - [ ] `"TypeError: Cannot read property 'greet' of undefined"` - [ ] `"Hello John"` - [x] `"Hello undefined"` ## Code : JS Objects What is the output of the following code snippet ? ```javascript const person = { name: 'Bob', age: 30, hobbies: ['reading', 'gaming'] }; const clonedPerson = { ...person }; = 'Alice'; clonedPerson.hobbies.push('coding'); console.log(`${}` : `${person.hobbies}`); ``` - [x] `"Bob : [ 'reading', 'gaming', 'coding' ]` - [ ] `"Bob : [ 'reading', 'gaming' ]` - [ ] `"Alice : [ 'reading', 'gaming', 'coding' ]` - [ ] `"Alice : [ 'reading', 'gaming' ]` ## Code : ES Modules What is the output of the following code snippet ? ```javascript // moduleA.js export let count = 0; export function incrementCount() { count++; } // moduleB.js import { count, incrementCount } from './moduleA.js'; incrementCount(); console.log(count); ``` - [ ] `undefined` - [ ] `ReferenceError` - [x] `0` - [ ] `1`

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