Here is a quiz about “git”.
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primary_color: steelblue
## Git
What is Git ?
> Only one answer is valid :wink:
1. [x] a version control system
1. [ ] a nickname for github or gitlab
> Seriously ? :grin:
1. [ ] a remote repository platform
1. [ ] a file sharing protocol
## Git commands
Only 5 git commands exists in this list. Select them.
> 5 on 7... doable :wink:
- [x] init
- [x] stash
- [x] fetch
- [x] mv
- [x] bisect
- [ ] find
- [ ] graph
> ```git log graph``` exist.
## Git tracking
Git automatically adds new files to the repository and starts tracking them.
1. [ ] True
1. [x] False
## Git tracking again
What is the command to start tracking a file ?
1. [x] git add
1. [ ] git commit
1. [ ] git push
## Git pull
Git pull is a combination of:
1. [x] fetch and merge
1. [ ] add and commit
1. [ ] branch and checkout
## Inspect differences
What is the command to show the differences between the current branch and the branch "new-email"?
1. [x] git diff new-email
1. [ ] git log new-email
1. [ ] git status new-email
1. [ ] git changes new-email
## Branching
In Git, a branch is:
1. [x] A separate version of the main repository
1. [ ] A small wooden stick you can use to type command
1. [ ] A secret part of Git config
## Branching again
Select git commands to create and switch to a new branch in this list
> 2 good answers in the list...
- [x] git checkout -b new-branch
- [x] git switch -c new-branch
- [ ] git branch new-branch
## Merge history
Assume the following history exists and the current branch is "main".
A---B---C topic
D---E---F---G main
If there is no merge conflict, what is the resulting history after `git merge topic` ?
1. [x] ```
A---B---C topic
/ \
D---E---F---G---H main
1. [ ] ```
A---B---C topic
D---E---F---G---A---B---C main
## Merge history again
Assume the following history exists and the current branch is "main".
A---B---C topic
D---E main
Which one of the following history is the result of `git merge --ff topic` ?
1. [x] ```
A---B---C topic main
1. [ ] ```
A---B---C topic
/ \
D---E-----------F main
## Good pratice
Select git good practices in this list
> 2 good answers in the list
- [x] each feature under development is associated with a new branch
- [ ] force push a branch instead of solving merge conflicts
- [x] write descriptive commit messages
- [ ] one commit is one feature
- [ ] the repository should contains all the dependencies (e.g. `node\_modules/`)
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