Getting started

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This page is the first guide to start coding at INRIA/Loria…


Please follow thoses rules when you work in INRIA

Use Git, GitLab or GitHub

Even if your work is not about coding, but about writing some paper or similar. Please use Git, with GitLab (inria) or GitHub (for opensource)

Use milestones, issues, board

In GitLab (GitHub), please use milestones to describe the big steps of your work, with issues for tasks, and a board to display informations. Using labels is a good idea, too.

Choose the good language

The choice of a language must be achieved with serenity, based on design issues.

  • What is the best language for this task ?
  • take care about the environnement (other languages), mail project

The good language for a task is not your prefered language.

Select a good IDE (integrated development environment)

Please see

More direct way : choose visual studio code and extensions.

Some interesting and general extensions for vscode :


Docker is a wonderful tool for managing light virtual machines (containers) and avoiding unwanted interactions with the undelying host system. In any case, GitLab/GitHub have strong support for that technology, so you’re invited to leverage it for your projects.

Test driven

Please develop with the test driven method


Tests are well integrated with gitlab-ci. So… use them !

Coding rules

Before your first line of code, please ask for the Coding rules. Or write them before the first commit. A linter often do some coding rules. But not all of them.

Code documentation

Please use tools for code documentation (embeded in comments)

  • Javadoc only for Java, available with the JDK
  • Sphinx for python
  • Doxygen for C++, C, Java, Python, PHP,…
  • Jsdoc for javascript

And more…


  • Use Gitflow or similar, with merge/pull requests.
  • Do some code review (ask us, you are welcome ! )
  • Rewrite everything 3 times.
  • Keep things SMART